
Brendan High School February News
Enjoy the Spring Dance!
When: Saturday, March 28, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: The gym

All students and their friends are welcome. You can get tickets from March 5 to 19 for $5 each. Buy them from Mr. Lewis in the school office. This year, all the money will go to Brendan Children’s Hospital.

★ At the end of the dance, there will be a Best Dancer Contest.
★ Live music will be performed by a local band, the Silver Oaks.

Three people can sing a song with them! If you’re interested, talk to Mr. Hopkins before March 10.

What will Mr. Lewis do for the spring dance?

1 Sell tickets in the school office.
2 Choose the winner of the Best Dancer Contest.
3 Sing with a local band.
4 Take the students to the gym.

If anyone wants to sing with the Silver Oaks, they need to

1 do some volunteer work at a hospital.
2 buy their tickets before March 5.
3 win the contest at the end of the dance.
4 speak to Mr. Hopkins before March 10.